

Welcome to the Living Hope Presbyterian Church website.  

We are a gathering of God’s redeemed and forgiven people, not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners and we are all patients.  We invite you to visit and worship with us.  You will receive a warm welcome and experience reverent and joyful God-centered worship with a variety of music styles.  You will hear a message that is true to God’s Word straight from the Bible.  We do not shy away from difficult subjects as we go through the Bible book by book and verse by verse.  We believe the Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant Word to us.  The church is made up of people of all ages so you will meet people just like you.  In a world full of unrealized “hope so’s” and wishful thinking, do you find yourself looking for a hope that is real and does not disappoint?  Come and hear the message of Christ who promises a Living Hope that will not fade away.  We look forward to meeting you.

Living Hope Presbyterian Church is a member of a connected fellowship of churches, The Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Our worship time is at 10:45 AM on the Lord's Day (Sunday), preceded by Christian Education for all ages at 9:30 AM.  (During the summer months of July and August, we do not have our 9:30 am Sunday School)

The first Sunday of each month is our Communion Sunday. During the service on Communion Sunday, we take a second offering for the Deacon's Fund.



Come join us for Sunday Worship at: Living Hope OPC, 330 Schantz Rd., Allentown, PA 18104

Mail us at: Living Hope OPC, PO Box 3522, Allentown PA 18106